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Spike TV to air special Prince of Persia makes a late-night debut
Take a break from The Tonight Show and tune in to get an exclusive look at the Prince of Persia sequel.

by | November 18, 2004

Prince of Persia fans should take note that Spike TV will air an exclusive inside look at the highly anticipated Prince of Persia Warrior Within later tonight. The half-hour program will feature exclusive gameplay of the dark, edgier Prince, show off the sexy warriros Kaileena and Shahdee as well as interviews with members of the Prince of Persia development team. Naturally, since the program only last for 30 minutes (not counting the few commercials we can expect to be in-between), this is one show you don't want to miss.

If you can't catch the feature tonight, you'll have other opportunities this month. The PoP special will air again on November 20 at 2:30 P.M. ET/PT, November 21 at 9:30 A.M. ET/PT and on November 29 at 12:30 AM ET/PT.

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