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Stargate SG-1 ''Alliance'' website opens
Time to do a little stargazing on your browser.

by | November 23, 2004

Today JoWood opened the official homepage to its upcoming Stargate SG-1 - The Alliance. The current site is in teaser form, which will showcase different elements of the game on a consistent basis. The full site will be launched in early 2005 to support the Stargate SG-1 - The Alliance game release in Late 2005 for all major platforms.

"We already have some interesting features planned for the teaser site that highlights a part of the background of the game and its development." comments Johann Ertl, community manager for Stargate SG-1 - The Alliance at JoWooD. "We are also working closely with the major Sci-Fi and Stargate SG-1 fan-sites all around the world to provide even more information for fans of the series. So watch out - there is more to come!"

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