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PS2 ''Best Sellers" confirmed for industry fundraising initiative
Rayman Revolution, Midnight Club and Pitfall: The Lost Expedition are selected as the ESC 04 pack for charity.

by | November 1, 2004

Today, the Entertainment Software Charity (ESC), the official charity organization for the UK video and computer games industry, has confirmed details of the next limited edition triple pack for PlayStation 2. "ESC 04" will be one of the charity's leading fundraising initiatives this year and will help to raise funds for disadvantaged young people.

The ESC 04 pack will comprise the following three titles: Midnight Club, Rayman Revolution and Pitfall: The Lost Expedition. Gamers across the country will be able to buy the ESC 04 pack for just £29.99.

Mark Strachan, CEO of the ESC, said: "The games packs offer great value for gamers. We've got some great titles and our thanks go to everyone who makes the work of the games industry's charity possible.

"The games packs will help do a great deal of good and reflect well on a vibrant and growing entertainment industry."

The ESC is hoping to raise up to £1 million pounds from the sale of games packs in 2004. Further packs are scheduled on other gaming systems for later this year.

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