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Synopsis to Take Part in Sony's Next Getaway
London's calling for some advertising.

by | November 2, 2004

Synopsis Media, an in-game advertising agency, has signed a deal for Carling Beer Co. and STORM (makers of fine watches and jewelery) to feature their ads for the European edition of The Getaway: Black Monday.

Synopsis Media, an in-game advertising agency, has signed a deal for Carling Beer Co. and STORM (makers of fine watches and jewelery) to have their ads featured in the latest Getaway title for the PS2 in Europe.

STORM ads will appear in the form of posters along streets and the London Underground, whereas Carling will concentrate most of its advertising in only the Underground, to emphasize their real presence there. In return, trailers for the game, which include Carling ads, will run in specific Underground stations.

The ads are aimed at young males, which both companies consider a key demographic. Getaway: Black Monday is slated for a release on November 12. It will carry a 18+ BBFC rating.

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