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Majesco tabs Seabreeze
The creators of "Chronicles of Riddick" establish a deal with Majesco to develop new titles for the next generation of console platforms.

by | November 2, 2004

Majesco has signed on Swedish developer, Starbreeze, to develop content for the next generation of console systems expected to ship in 2006. Starbreeze has received numerous accolades and has garnered an exceptional reputation attributed to the success of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher’s Bay.

“Having access to top-tier development talent and technology is paramount for long-term success,” said Jesse Sutton, president of Majesco. “Our partnership with Starbreeze underscores our commitment in securing talented and creative studios to develop our products as well as assist us in providing content for current and future platforms.”

Adds Johan Kristiansson, chief executive officer for Starbreeze, “Majesco has a fine reputation in the development community for partnering with its developers to assemble a single, cohesive team dedicated to producing quality products. We are excited to be working with them on creating content for the next generation of video game systems.”

We look forward to the developer's upcoming projects and will keep you posted once new highlights are available.

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