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Got Next Presents: End Game Radio
Open your minds and ears to the coolest online gaming radio station.

by | November 2, 2004

Looking for something new to listen to? Then you don't want to miss the latest edition of Endgame Radio, the official radio station of GotNext.


EndGameRadio brings you the latest in gaming news and electronic and game music. (that's me) packs the show with a myriad of randomness like internet pop culture, old school gaming, and cyberpunk info. blends and weaves his own special tastes of Electronica, Underground, IDM, Industrial, Clickpop, Chipmusik, Soundtracks, and even live old school game music remixes.

During the show, check out, a site specifically for the broadcast. Behold the glory of live webcams and chat with the DJs while they are on the air, links to sites and news articles posted as they are reported. After the show, the site features recorded streams of older broadcasts (visit our Archive section for previous broadcasts).

When can I listen to it?

You're in luck, it's playing at this very moment. EndGameRadio airs every Wednesday from 8PM - 11 PM PST (Those of you in other time zones need to keep this in mind, or you'll miss out.)

Ok, you've got me interested. How do I listen to EndGameRadio?

Simple, just load up Winamp, iTunes or XMMS. Check below for the available bandwidth options for your listening pleasure.

High Bandwidth:

Low Bandwidth:

Please send your feedback to us via our official AIM screen name "ENDGAMERADIO". And for more details, be sure to visit our website.

This week's topic: Politics of Gaming, Nintendo Invasion and much, much more. Join us...

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