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RE4 GameCube Controller Revealed
"No Mom, it's not a real chainsaw..."

by | November 17, 2004

Capcom and Nubytech unveiled today the Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Controller for the Nintendo GameCube. Series loyalists can look forward to picking up this remarkable accessory on January 11, 2005 where it will go on sale alongside the forthcoming GameCube release.

Working in conjunction with the influences of Capcom's developers, Nuby's R&D team designed the controller using an actual actual chainsaw during their brainstorming sessions. For months, the controller's final look became a growing topic throughout numerous discussion boards when the initial sketches were forwarded to the press.

Resident Evil addicts will marvel at the built-in sound chip, imitating the roar of the powerful weapon. The attention to detail even goes as far as featuring gory blood marks on the blade. When not being wielded to destroy the on-screen enemies, the Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Controller can rest on its display stand, on top on your TV or trophy case.

Just remember to leave at home during your holiday shopping, Halloween is over anyways.

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