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September Update Archive
9:29:04: Read all the reviews? Studied all the columns and articles? Browsed through our media section? Then you must consider yourself pretty Sega-16 savvy. Why not compete in our new contest, sponsored by Lik-Sang? You could win cool stuff like a Dreamcast tissue holder or a Shikigami 2 wall scroll. Head over to the contest page and test your might! you only have until October 13, so hurry!
Additionally, the video commercial archive has been updated with a new ad for the original Joe Montana Football, courtesy of Adam King. That brings our collection to a nice 25 ads!
I've also updated the peripheral guide to include more information on the Hearbeat Personal Trainer. Thanks to Courtland Carpenter for the details.
9:28:04: Great news! We'll be starting a contest this week, sponsored by the great folks over at Lik-Sang so be sure to tune in and participate!
Even mediocre import shmups need love, so we've put up a review of Micronet's Curse.
9:24:04: Another huge milestone has been reached! Sega-16 has passed the 10,000 hit mark! This is big for us, considering that we haven't even been around three whole months yet. I would like to thank all our readers, as well as all the great contributors who have made this site a success.
On to the updates!
The famous Capcom platformer Ghouls 'N Ghosts has been reviewed and is available for reading. We also have the second installment of our "Forgotten Franchises" series, featuring Vectorman.
9:22:04: Three new videos have been added to the commercial archive. We have a new one for Strider & Shadow Dancer, the classic Streets of Rage 2 pack-in ad, and a European 32X video. Have fun!
Also, don't forget to vote in this week's poll.
9:20:04: The latest edition in our "History of" series is available. Read all about the incredible Shining series of games!
9:19:04: Very rare and insanely expensive, Snow Bros. is still fun to play. Read all about it in our review!
9:17:04: A new Japanese commercial for the Terradrive has been added to the Video Commercial Archive. Enjoy!
9:16:04: Tropical Storm Jeanne tried to get me but failed! After a day without internet access we have a new review for Cool Spot, as well as a product review of the Mega Drive Play TV plug-'n-play device.
9:14:04: Very few anime games do their respective properties justice. Does Devil Hunter Yohko fall flat like so many others or is it a worthy purchase? Read the review and find out!
I received copies of Mortal Kombat & Wolfchild for Sega CD today. Look for reviews soon!
9:12:04: We recently conducted an interview with Michael Thomasson, head of Good Deal Games, about their Sega CD titles. It's a great read, so have a look.
Another review is up as well! Dynamite Headdy is available for your enjoyment. It seems that there's been a lot of Treasure love around here lately. Hmm...sounds like an idea for an article!
9:11:04: Sega-16 wants to extend its sympathies to all the families of the 9/11 victims on this third anniversary of that tragic event. They have our support and undying respect and we share in their loss.
On the content side, we have a new column up about game series that have been left behind over the years. Check out the first installment of "Forgotten Franchises" and read up on what happened during multiple attempts to revive the Streets of Rage series.
9:09:04: One of the best games never to come stateside, Alien Soldier deserves to be played by everyone. Come in and find out just how good Treasure was on the Genesis.
9:07:04: Sega-16 has reached a major milestone! We now have over 100 reviews posted for Genesis, Sega CD, and 32X. Not bad for just over two months online, huh? Our thanks to our wonderful contributors for all their work and enthusiasm and our awesome readers for their continued support.
That said, on to today's update!
Relive the fun of kicking Saddam's ass (the first time) in our review of Desert Strike. Afterward, spend some quality time with your children as you learn and grow with our write-up of Rolo to the Rescue.
9:05:05 (evening update): The interview with Victor Ireland from the rare Popful Mail strategy guide has been posted. In it, Vic talks a bit about the history of WD and offers some little-known facts and insight about the making of the classic action/RPG. It's a great read so check it out!
9:05:04: One of the most underrated Sega CD games of all time has been reviewed. Have some fun reading about Panic! and see why everyone needs to play this game.
Most of the Genesis Master List has been updated. There are now lists for all letters save P, R, S, T, W, Y, and Z. I'll be doing them little by little as they're pretty big. We're almost there!
9:03:04: Whoever said that you can't have fun batting around animals probably never played Sonic Spinball. After they read our review, however, I'm sure they'll come around!